Freight management is the process of monitoring and managing the delivery of goods. The contract of carriage of cargo by transport represents a freight contract between a shipper and a carrier (carrier) to transport paid goods to the carrier. Players in the shipping process: importer, exporter, banks, freight carrier, CHA, shipping company and customs authority.



Freight & Transportion

Overview on Freight
Freight management is the process of monitoring and managing the delivery of
goods. Large and small companies dealing with freight movement...Read More
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By Businus School
2022-04-18 * 6 mins read
Import / Export (IE) Code India is a registered import/export company of the Indian Customs Department and imports/exports goods from India. The IE Code is issued by the Directorate General of Foreign Trade (DGFT) of the Ministry of Trade and Industry of the Government of India. Once the application is submitted and the necessary supplementary documents, DGFT will issue an IE code to the company within 15-20 business days. IE code registration is a permanent registration that is valid for a lifetime. Therefore, there is no problem with updating, filing, and updating IE code registration. Moreover, unlike tax registrations such as GST and PF registrations, importers or exporters do not have to file or meet other compliance requirements such as annual filing.



Documentation & Procedure

What is IEC code in Import and Export?
Importer Exporter Code is issued based on the PAN of an entity and is a
10-digit alphanumeric code. It is mandatory for the business that i...Read More
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By Businus School
2022-04-18 * 7 mins read
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